
Outdoor Full Color Led Display has Super Advantages in Advertising

At present, such concepts of energy conservation, environment protection and energy recycling are contently appealed by many countries and they have become increasingly popular. And outdoor full color led display completely conforms to these concepts. Outdoor full color led signs use dot matrix or pixel unit composed by light emitting diodes to form large-sized led screens, which combines many modern high and new technologies in micro-electronics, optics, computer and information processing and have a series of advantages such as strong ability of environmental adaptation, high energy conservation, long service life, various changes, environmental protection and high and new and cutting edge technology.

In the outdoor advertising market, large outdoor full color led advertising screens have many advantages such as strong adaptability, strong visual impact, flexible advertising update, low cost and high coverage of audiences, thus increasingly become the important media of outdoor advertising broadcasting.

Compared with liquid crystal display, outdoor full color led display has super advantages in advertising, which are listed in the following:

1. Area ductility. For large size of LCD, it cannot realize seamless contiguity. However, led display screens can extend the size freely and realize seamless contiguity.
2. LEC plasma screen has fast luminous flux attenuation, so that parts need to be changed after running for about a year and half. However, on the same running condition, led display boards can run for at least five years.
3. Led digital signage can use interaction technology to increase the interaction of the advertising media and advertising audience, such as customized touch screen and realized cloud technology broadcasting control and management.
4. In the aspect of display effect, led advertising led board has high brightness, wide visible angle and good color reducing capacity, which are superior to LCD screens. Besides, LED screens are generally used in airport, shopping mall, hotel, high-speed rail, metro, cinema, exhibition and office building with strong consumption ability of target customers, making it have great advertising value.

